Tuesday, April 6, 2010

water mains

really, we need the new water main in east boothbay - to keep any more boatyards from burning to the water line like Washburn and Doughty did two years ago, and to service the new Bigelow Lab to be built on Farnham Cove. But they are right on my corner now, digging and blasting, and it's a bit consuming.
For those of you who don't know, my house backs up to within about 12 feet of Route 96 as it comes around the corner and down into the village. So I don't have a lot of give here. There is an old lilac hedge and a new canoe birch that keep people from driving right into my living room, and they better damn well stay there. Tomorrow will tell the tale.
The sign that called us East Beirut has come down, and that's really a pity as it probably means that someone has no sense of humor. Perhaps another will pop up. Perhaps I will make one. Probably it would be better for my plants if I made muffins and took them out to the guys working - like Chalmer Lewis has been doing. But I'm not much of a muffin maker. I'll let you know what happens.

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