Sunday, April 11, 2010

a cardinal frustration

A lady cardinal sat on my car mirror this morning, attempting to get into the car - over and over again. She must have tried for 10-15 minutes. I figured she was just having an attack of vanity? or maybe curiosity? And went about my morning, which on the weekends always includes early morning conference calls between Cambridge, New Hampshire, Baltimore, and me - in various confirgurations.
However, when I went out to climb in my car and go to church (yes, I do that thing), the lady cardinal was no longer there on my mirror. But just inside my driver's window, a small, brown spider sat - looking very smug. I chased him back down inside the window well, but I imagine he will reappear at some point, to tempt the lady again, and perhaps to figure out why he was still safe from her. I hope that she has learned about glass windows, and won't hurt herself trying to get the little brown spider again.
I've tried to find the lesson in this - religious gender relations? vanity? frustrations? But I don't think I will share them here!

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