Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Can hearts be broken with pleasure?

My heart nearly broke with pleasure today as I received the top two images from my son. They are images my two oldest grandaughters painted in school this year. Their artists' statements clearly elucidate their paintings, and I quote here from Merry's statement; she has the topmost image:

"I guess the painting/drawing stands for nature. The reason its called The Cross because you can kind of see a cross. That part stands for peace so it kind of stands for Care For the World." I rest my case...!

The middle image is Sarah Kate's; her statement is as follows:

"My Grandma inspired me to do this picture. She loves painting sailboats on the ocean. She has tons of paintings of her in her studio. So this is why I painted this painting."

If you are not a grandparent or wish to be one, perhaps you will not understand the power of their images and words. But they overwhelmed me with gratitude for them, and for my son and his wife that they have raised these two so well, so far. It is not a simple thing to raise kids to be happy, productive citizens. I did pretty well, as well as I could, and they seem to be doing the same. My heart leaps with pleasure again.

The bottom image is one of mine, whose color seems to work well in this blog. It's another version of my Monhegan workboat series. It's not a sail boat, but the color does work well here!