Wednesday, April 7, 2010

silence before Bach

at the Harbor theatre tonight, I saw an old Spanish movie called 'the silence before Bach.' Aside from the rather affected videography, the music was wonderful. But that's not the story. My story is about Mitch Boucher, a kid about 14 now, from Edgecomb, who plays the organ sometimes at the Edgecomb UCC - a small church with an electric organ. Mitch also writes his own music on this organ. Mitch was in the front row of the movie.
I did not know Bach's music was not published until Mendelsohn's butcher started using music sheets to wrap meat in. Mendelsohn discovered the music 50 years after Bach died, and then it was published. Mitch would like to go to a school where he could play a real organ, but that's not easy to find in mid-coast Maine. Perhaps the Church can sponsor him somehow, somewhere. Let's hope. It would be a pity to let Mitch's music wait a whole century before it is played by someone else!
It is important to acknowledge talent when it appears, and to nurture it wherever we are.

PS the heavy machinery is right outside my windows, but the lilacs are intact!

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