Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"And Place was where the Presence was...."

The title of this show comes from Emily Dickinson's poem, "A Single Bird...", and is about places on the edge - of dawn, of history, of sunset, not unlike our planet's edge. But there is still beauty and presence where people once were, hence the show...

Here are my works for the show:
'where once he lived...'

Foggy Dawn

Green Island Dawn

Fishermans Island

Emerging Island

Blackstone Island

Carmel Valley Ranch barn

Cross Purposes

In Sync

Island Vertigo

I am in love with the quiet moments, when all you notice are the natural things present.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Work for the 4 Seasons show

I am posting the works that will be in the 4 Seasons show with Linda Burley's mother's work:
Late Bloomer

Late Bloomers

Midsummers' Isle

Summer Birch

Spring Birch

February Island

January Island

Snow Showers

All these plus assorted small works, and the island on the poster:

November Island!

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

new show: the Four Seasons of Maine

The Four Seasons of Maine
by Lina Burley &
Sally Giddings Smith

Every season in Maine has a different character, a different tonality.
Paintings by Lina Burley and Sally Smith reflect the seasons
 as both a summer person and a native see them.
Using different media, the works are not place bound,
but weather bound,
reflecting differing light, differing tonalities, the different character of branches and trees, water and rocks, flowers, and islands,
 in every season.

The show will be at River Arts, on Route One, in Damariscotta
From June 21 through July 3.
Opening Reception is June 21, from 4-7pm.